Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that the accompanying rules of the Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act are ready and will be notified by the end of December or early January.
The Minister also said that the much awaited Digital India Act, which is set to replace the IT Act for governing the country's internet ecosystem, is unlikely to be tabled for legislation before the 2024 general elections.
Major technology companies and industry associations advocating on their behalf, have consistently called for a two-year transition period to adhere to the law. The government needs to formulate at least 25 rules to effectively implement the Data Protection and Privacy (DPDP) Act.
While the DPDP Act, in its current form, establishes a framework for the legislation, the shaping of its specifics will be determined through the rule-making process. For example, the Act specifies that the government will identify certain countries where data transfer is restricted. The rule-making processes will delineate the criteria for "blacklisting" a country based on specific parameters.
The government expects transition for most of the provisions of the Act (except age-gating) within 12 months.
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