Meta’s artificial intelligence, Meta AI is rolling out and will be available to use for all Indian users. Meta AI will be available in English across the company's apps - WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger and has entered India after months of unveiling it. The move also comes in the wake of Google introducing Gemini in India a week ago. Meta AI will be able to handle the daily tasks like writing emails, summarizing texts, translations, etc.
The Facebook parent company made it available in countries like Australia, Canada and New Zealand over two months ago. The AI assistant will be able to handle the daily tasks like writing emails, summarising texts, translations, etc. While it has been announced that the Meta AI will be available from today onwards, it seems like it is a gradual roll-out.
Interestingly, the main website of Meta AI flashes the message, “Meta AI isn’t available yet in your country.” This means that the AI assistant may be rolling out to users in a phased manner. After the proper roll-out, the users will also be able to use the AI assistant through its website.
The main aim of Meta AI is to make the tasks easier for its users. The user can interact directly with the chatbot, which is a general-purpose assistant capable of answering questions and providing real-time information powered by Google and Microsoft's Bing. They can also generate text and images, summarise long pieces of text and do writing tasks.
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